If anyone, due to personal reasons, do not want his address and telephone contact to appear in this website, please notify any time addressing to : "408paulchin@gmail.com".
Address |
10 Macleay Street, North Bondi, Sydney, NSW 2026, Australia |
CHAN, Shuen-Lee Charles |
Telephone |
(61) 2-9371-0992 (H) |
陳 鏇 理 |
Fax |
88chan@tpg.com.au |
Address |
7A/8 Gas Works Road, Wollstonecraft, NSW 2065, Australia |
YAU, Jacob |
Telephone |
(61) 4-2098-0353 (H) |
邱 步 中 |
Fax |
jacobyau100@yahoo.com.au |
Address |
2 Tempest St., Athelstone, SA 5076, Australia |
YEUNG, Gin-Ming |
Telephone |
(61) 8-8365-0019 (H) |
楊 展 明 |
Fax |
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